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a bit of thought from a guy and his girl, "Standing Before the Face of God" …


For our family, we have been on a beautiful adoption journey that only God can orchestrate.  Recently, we brought home our young daughter and for our boys, their little sister.  Our family has experienced joy in ways we never could have imagined.  While these joys are great, so are the costs.  To help defray some […] Read more


Well, it was only a matter of time before we introduced Eli to…the Hockey Store, just like his big brother had been indoctrinated.  Here’s what ensued… […] Read more


Daddy Daycare – Geronimo

Coming soon to a device near you… #DaddyDaycare took the boys to the GymSport Athletic Center, wore the toddler out & the child has been on a 2.5 hr nap since! A 6ft high zip line & trampoline with foam block pit were definite hits […] Read more


Daddy Daycare has been on (P)maternity leave and returns today for a brief introduction of the newest addition […] Read more


Just because we all need a good laugh to start our weekends… […] Read more


Today at Daddy Daycare, we had a special cousin visiting.  This video was shot in real time.  Catch a 30 second glimpse of what 5 hours are like with your favorite toddlers… […] Read more


Under Construction

Well, you’ve all heard by now….we’re experiencing our own version of some Pittsburgh Construction in the Fuoco family.  Baby #2 is set to arrive in late April, 2015!  Currently, Jen says the little one is moving just as much as Caleb.  Another wild Fuoco-kiddo……please pray for us with our 2 under 2 […] Read more


Here at #DaddyDaycare, we do our best to portray for you real life.  Here’s the exhausting movements of a toddler….condensed into 30 seconds! #30SecondToddler […] Read more


Daddy Daycare made a quick trip to the grocery store.  Good thing we had a list, things could have gotten out of hand […] Read more

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Daddy Daycare was on location today at Moraine State Park.  Caleb & I set out for a bike ride around the north shore of Lake Arthur.  We went about 12 miles total.  Check out the video to see some highlights of the ride […] Read more


Oh no, Daddy Daycare put somebody in jail.  Daddy Daycare knows how to lay down the law […] Read more


Birthday’s, they’re such great days.  And here at Daddy Daycare, we like to celebrate with fun, personalized birthday cards.  My son sure made his mark on this card … * Thanks grandma for “helping” out […] Read more


Daddy Daycare is all about child development.  And after spiritual development, we can’t help but believe hockey development is the next best thing for a young child.  Come with us as we make our first trip to…..the hockey store […] Read more


Daddy Daycare found a few extra babysitters at a Mardi Gras party last night. Looks like the munchkin sure liked the extra help. What a ladies’ man […] Read more


I needed to stay at home with our little guy today, he was under the weather.  While I was holding him at the kitchen table eating my lunch, I thought it would be amusing to catch him attempting to grab at my yogurt.  Little did I know he’d actually accomplish his goal… […] Read more


I didn’t think Daddy Daycare would be having a video update this week.  We had a fairly lazy day bumming around the house.  Well, until Netski & Nonno showed up… […] Read more


Daddy Daycare takes on Sir Chats Alot…. Baby Got Chat! He’s been nonstop talking all afternoon!  I’m not sure where he gets it from […] Read more


Intense Baby Pens Fan

I’m so proud of this little guy!  It was in his blood to be a Pens fan… […] Read more


Daddy Daycare

Daddy Daycare’s afternoon check-in (this was my first all-day, mom’s at work, dad to watch son time). I’m still unshaven but he’s happy, happy, happy […] Read more


Caleb wanted to share with you all what Santa brought him for his first Christmas and why our family celebrates Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone […] Read more


Caleb & Daddy Discuss Santa

So, it’s Caleb’s first Christmas Eve. We were up early and we decided to talk a little bit about Santa. Here’s our discussion […] Read more


I See Me

Jen and I are just about a month out until we meet our lil man (1 month exactly will be tomorrow!) and I just can’t keep this song out of my head.  Not that, that is a problem though.  To say I am pumped…..that would be an understatement right now! [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/misc/TravisTritt-ISeeMe.flv,320,240] And yes, this song […] Read more


He shoots…and scores!

Analogies, we all love them.  They tend to help each of us understand things and/or provide humor.   And what is better than a hockey analogy, especially one from the legendary Mike Lange to help Jen and I announce the next great phase for our family? So, if you haven’t gotten it yet from the […] Read more


Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:8 Wow, what an intense past six months! If you know me well (or at least follow me on Twitter or Facebook), you’ll know that I got engaged in April, bought a house with my then-fiancé in the end of July, and got married in late September to the former Jennifer Laurin. And […] Read more


The Proposal

So, without beating around the bush, I popped “THE” question to Jen about 1 month ago (4/2/2011)! And, fortunately, she gave me the answer I was hoping for and well, to be honest, expecting: “Yes!”  Actually, it was something more like “YES…yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!”  Talk about a comforting answer from her, especially since I […] Read more


– Saturday, February 5, 2011 – Well, today was our last day of touring the Holy Land.  I’m sorry I had to see it come to an end, but a wonderful day and trip it was! Rather than write a conclusion to the trip in this blog, I’m going to continue my theme of posting […] Read more


– Thursday, February 4, 2011 – Day 7 took us to an entirely new region of Israel.  Today we headed east into the West Bank and into the Judean Wilderness. So what does that really mean? Well, first things first, the Judean Wilderness is directly east of the Mount of Olives and in the West […] Read more


– Wednesday, February 3, 2011 – Another great day in Israel. We spent the majority of our time in and around the Old City of Jerusalem. We toured the Western or Wailing Wall area and the Western Wall Tunnel. This is the most sacred site in current Judiasm as it’s the only accessibly remaining sites […] Read more


– Tuesday, February 2, 2011 – So, the time to write a big blog is unfortunately just not available.  Our days are 10+ hours of touring, so when we get back to the hotel, it’s very difficult to go in-depth with details. However, I feel I should add details and descriptions so that those of […] Read more


– Monday, February 1, 2011 – Well, Day #4 of touring is complete, plus our trip to Jerusalem!  We changed hotels and towns this evening.  We enjoyed our time at the Ron Beach Hotel in Tiberias and the mornings waking up and evenings going to bed along the Sea of Galilee were priceless!  However, we’re […] Read more


– Monday, January 31, 2011 – Today’s post will be brief.  I’m going to come back and update it, I just don’t have the time yet.  I felt it was important to get the pics and videos up as soon as possible though.  I’ll give a quick rundown of where we went and a description […] Read more


– Sunday, January 30, 2011 – Greetings again from Tiberias, Israel! ***Click HERE to see the Israel Pics from this trip!*** What a day, our first day of touring is concluded and I’m exhausted. It was a wet day today as we experienced lots of on-off rain. But that didn’t stop us, we put on […] Read more


– Saturday, January 29, 2011 – Shalom! Well, we made it to Israel, what a long journey.  It was one definitely full of interesting occurrences.  Haven’t seen much yet, so obviously, I’m only going to get into the travel details! First, we met at the Pittsburgh airport at 2:45 p.m. to catch our connection to […] Read more


Vacations, you look forward to them for months…even years…and then they arrive, and are gone before you know it! This can definitely be said for my most recent vacation last week. Me and 4 good buddies from high school made our way out west for…well, not most people’s typical styled vacation. We headed to Lake […] Read more


Hey, What’s Up?!

Ohhh wow, talk about a blogging hiatus!  I haven’t posted in about 2 months, if you are (were) a semi-regular reader, sorry about that.  It’s been crazy these past 2 months, primarily due to starting the new job.  Changing your routine, wow, rough!  I’m a creature of habit and the commute and new times to […] Read more


Times Are A Changin’

Well, a month and a half into February 2010 and it’s the start of a radical change for me.  After living, being educated, and working for almost 7 years at Robert Morris University (RMU), I’m moving on.  It’s been a good ride but it’s time, tomorrow, things will change. I started searching for a college […] Read more


I was first introduced to Francis Chan (Cornerstone Church) this past Fall, 2009 (not personally).  Chan is a Non-Staff Elder & Teaching Pastor at the Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California.  He is the quickly popular Christian author of the books “Crazy Love” and “Forgotten God”.  I started attending one of our church’s Growth Groups […] Read more


Chisel Away

God’s Chisel – The Skit Guys I came across this video today while surfing the web & devouring some of mom’s homemade Italian spaghetti sauce & pasta for lunch (it was so good I had to share that fact).  Anyways, pretty wild how God’s timing works sometimes.  This video comes just as I’ve been doing […] Read more

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Sounds of the Holiday!

Well, Thanksgiving is over and everybody’s gearing up for Christmas.  One of the very fun & amusing aspects of this holiday is that Christmas brings many movies for us all to watch; many of which are repeated each year.  Therefore, I figured, why not, let’s hear some of the favorite quotes from some of  our […] Read more


Haven’t posted in a couple weeks (other than the automatic Twitter posts that post to the site).  Can’t say anything too extreme or crazy has been going on, a few small adventures here and there, but otherwise, just keeping Status Quo, which has been a good thing. A few of the highlights I can speak […] Read more


Pittsburgh’s raising that Banner tonight folks!  If it weren’t for a wedding, I’d be in attendance!  I’ll have a laugh though, my connection is in Philly, and I’ll be proudly sporting the Pens Stanley Cup t-shirt & my Pens hat!  Let’s Go Pens! (via Sean Montgomery) Be sure to send any Pics, Videos, and or […] Read more


As I was driving to work today, I was listening to the newly popular radio station on 98.3 called KLOVE. KLOVE used to be on 105.5 but recently bought out the better reaching, clearer channel, 98.3 from Froggy country radio (don’t worry, you can still catch Froggy on 104.3!). If you haven’t tuned in yet […] Read more


A Kingdom Divided Cannot Stand

There’s no greater truth than the Bible.  In this week’s message at church, the leadership began the process of revealing the new vision for our church.  Not much in specifics were said (The Vine Cafe was open though!), but just more on the overall vision of fulfilling God’s plan for the church.  As many of […] Read more


A “Googol” of Google

A googol is a mathematical word used for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.  With that said, the term Google was formed as a play on that word and in making the story short, the name Google was created for the company you now know, love, or loath today. Why this history lesson in […] Read more


Dragnet On A Labor Day Issue

via Nicholas Rizzuto of The Wilkow Majority fame As I was flipping through the TV channels on my day off today, I came across the local Pittsburgh news coverage of Downtown’s (yes, capitalized, if you’re from Pittsburgh you’ll understand!) Labor Day Parade.  That peaked my interest in the labor issues and I started my morning […] Read more


If you’ve been living under a rock I’m going to let you in on a little secret, it’s football season! High School ball started last night, College started this week, & the NFL starts next week. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this excited about football? The same thing happened with me looking […] Read more


Ode To The Hostess Cupcake

In spectacular fashion, The Ode To The Hostess Cupcake was performed last evening as a serenade to a beautiful bride.  Astonishingly, it was not by her new husband!  Either way, wedding-goers, as you will see, cheered passionately for an old high school favorite!  At times, the crowd helped sing a bit of the chorus, but […] Read more


So, as expected, the new US Presidential Administration is really pushing their agenda through and nobody can accuse them of slacking off:  Stimulus Bill & the related Economic Crises, Sotomayor Appointment Hearings, War on Terror (or the Overseas Contingency Operations), and Health Care.  Quite a bit of work in just a few months.  However, we […] Read more


Just PUSH!

We all receive (and send!) those forwarded e-mails from/to our friends.  Some are funny, some informational, and some inspirational.  One e-mail I just received was the latter, and it seemed so good that I wanted to put it up on the site.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!  This verse was […] Read more


Master of Something

So this is going to be brief, but WOOOO, I’m done!  I’m a Master of something, haha.  This is great.  I’m sitting around, on the Eee (hmmm…I think I should give a brief review of the new Eee this weekend when I’ved played with it a bit more!) surfing the web, watching some shows.  And […] Read more


What To Do, Oh What To Do

“You’ve been doing homework almost every night, as long as I’ve known you!” That’s what mom said to me about a week ago!  Counting kindergarten, I’ve been in school for 19 years!  And I’m tired of it!  Not necessarily the learning, but the homework, the 10 – 20 page papers on anything & everything not […] Read more


New Zealand Australia, a canyon, a bungee cord, and a chair.  Now use some imagination … then watch this video! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeM6-d2xOXE[/youtube] *Small disclaimer, keep the volume on mute for young adolescent ears!  Otherwise, WOW and I know this guy […] Read more

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Living The Dream

Well, it has been a whirlwind past week or so for me.  I moved out of the Mt. Lebanon house, back to Bill & Netski’s (aka Mom & Dad’s).   We decided to ditch the Lebo House as the rent & utilities were just way to high, especially in these tough times, where other similar […] Read more


Pittsburgh, PA. The Super Bowl XLIII Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, the only team to win six titles, will soon be loosing half of those trophies. After a meeting between NFL Commissioner Rodger Gadel and President Barack Hussain Obama, Obama decided to redistribute half of their Steeler Super Bowl victories and trophies to less fortunate teams in […] Read more


This may be an age thing, but do you remember when you used to Instant Message (IM).  I mean really IMed!  Such as coming home from school, having 11 AIM windows open (before the days of a tabbed window), talking to all your friends for an hour before dinner, then having your set time of night, […] Read more


Ubuntu Fun

To paraphrase a roommate in a conversation about Ubuntu (Linux): “That’s why Ubuntu isn’t mainstream, takes a while to set up.” You see, that was exactly my experience installing Ubuntu over the past 2 weeks on my machine. I had to figure out how to boot and install on my SATA hard drives (fyi – […] Read more


I Like Ham

It’s not Easter but please, we only want Ham here!  Today, I found close to 344 Spam Comments on my blog.  Thanks to Intense Debate, I had comments that have 2+ links in them set for moderation and all 344 and some odd comments didn’t show up on my website.  Ham, if you don’t know, […] Read more


Crazy Beautiful Life

So here’s a life update, you may have been filled in a bit from previous posts, but here’s the summary: Computer boomed last week, new 8 week semester started last week, new web redesign at work goes live in a week or so, and moving out in 2 weeks. Needless to say, it’s been hectic […] Read more


Thanks for stopping back! Sorry if there was any inconvenience if you tried looking for something on Coram Deo. We recently went down for about 24 hrs (I posted that we would be and sent out a Tweet, which was also on Facebook) so that I could make the necessary changes to host this new […] Read more


WordPress on the way!

Well, it’s finals again and I haven’t been posting too much lately, seems like a weekly basis. Any of my spare time has actually been going into WordPress development. I’ve been hearing all the good things about it and I just really need to get to a CMS for this site. Therefore, I’ve been redoing […] Read more


What better way to say Happy New Year than to post a tribute video to Mario Lemieux? Twenty years ago last night, Lemieux made history unlikely to ever be repeated, he scored 5 goals, 5 different ways! Can you name all 5 ways without watching the video first […] Read more


Here’s #3 of “Old School Videos”! Does anybody know “Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?” [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/old-school/CarmenSanDiego.flv,480,360] […] Read more


And the awesomeness of Twitter prevails once again! If you’ve been talking to me in the past month you’d have known that I joined Twitter and sing the praises of the wealth of information people are sharing across it. The latest link to come across is from @RMUnews – “Rise of College Club Teams Creates […] Read more


And to hold your appetites over, #2 in our installment of “Old School Videos”! I hope you enjoy “The Walden Shake” (…baby!)! Well done Kid, well done! [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/old-school/WaldenShake.flv,300,360] […] Read more


In what will be a releasing of a few “Old School Videos”, here’s the first edition. “Afternoon Delight”, sung by a few of your favorites! Leave a comment if you like the video or if you have a special request….I do have a few! I’d love to hear what you think! [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/old-school/AfternoonDelight.flv,480,360] […] Read more


Finals – Fall 2008

Woohhooo!!! Done w/ Finals for the Fall 2008 Semester! One more semester to go, then DONE. I’d say forever, but who knows, maybe an MBA one day or even a Doctorate if I want to teach and research all the time. And for a geek….there’d be nothing better than getting paid to tinker with tech […] Read more


Summer 2008 Photo Album

New Photo Album of a few iPhone pictures up today! Be sure to check it out here […] Read more


Piazzale Dunant Apartment

Thanks to the awesome power of Google Earth, here’s the first pics of the outside of our apartment in Rome (2006…about 3 years ago now…but still awesome none the less!). Not sure why I never took pictures of the outside in the first place?? The iron and glass door in the middle was our entrance. […] Read more


Hunting Season!

In honor of the start of Hunting Season (well, rifle season), the Looney Tunes are ready! Let’s just hope our state’s hunters don’t employ as much humor out in the woods as I did with this post! P.S….Ian, if you read this post and DON’T have a deer yet, we’re locking you out until you […] Read more


Happy Thanksgiving – 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Hope you have a great day […] Read more



I wanted to give a shoutout to a great new site I came across today: MzdSpd.com. The site is being run by my friend Corey Bovalina and it’s dedicated to all your Mazda Speed needs! Be sure to check it out, email him at admin@mzdspd.com or leave a comment here, he’ll be sure to get […] Read more


RMU Patriot Scholars

I am very disappointed to report that I just expired the RMU IHoP (International Honors Program) pages on the RMU Web Site; now all that exists is the Coop Honors Program and a traditional Honors Program. There were many good people that went through the program (and even some that didn’t go all the way!) […] Read more


Pittsburgh Against Hunger in Haiti This Saturday our church, West Hills Christian Church, conducted our 2nd Annual Pittsburgh Against Hunger in Haiti (PAHH) event. During this event, we bagged food for the hungry in Haiti, one of the world’s poorest nations. And to add insult to injury, they have been recently hit by 4 Katrina-like […] Read more


Halloween at WVU

Halloween Costumes of the PA Boulevard Boys: Nick “Gangster” Scelsi, Josh “Indiana” Fuoco, Ian “Dubya” Lanning […] Read more


Find me on Twitter!

Just signed up for Twitter….check it out/follow me….. http://twitter.com/wjfuoco ….or follow me with the badge to the right […] Read more


Pens Mini Game Plan

It’s only appropriate to post a photo from our seats at Mellon Arena. Bovy, Ian, Alan, & I purchased a 6 game Mini Plan since Bovy & I are on the Season Ticket waiting list. Our games include: 10/23/08 vs. Carolina Hurricanes 11/13/08 vs. Filthy Flyers 1/6/09 vs. Atlanta Thrashers 1/16/09 vs. Anaheim Ducks 2/25/09 […] Read more


This Month’s Hockey Moto

My Moto for the month: “HOCKEY: 3 Things to know when you’re taking the ice: Pain heals, Chicks dig scars, and that glory lasts forever.” I’d take a picture and put it online, but there’s already an ugly shot of me to the right […] Read more


New Site Design!

Well, as I eluded to before (if you’ve read enough postings), I’ve been thinking of some tweaks for the site. So here’s the first one! I rearranged the site, redid the blog page a little bit and made it the new home page. I could never find enough information to post on the home page […] Read more


New Photo Album

I added another new Photo Album today. It’s just a big collection of random images that were on my iPhone. I have more recent ones that aren’t on this album, they’ll be up soon as well. Went home today also to help build a privacy fence around mom and dad’s patio. I pulled into the […] Read more


Site Design Ideas

Well, holding true to my slacking ways, I haven’t updated since May, terrible I know! But I have some good ideas in the mix. If you saw, I changed the home page a bit. I also got rid of the “Info” page. I don’t need that any more, it was just a waste of typing. […] Read more


New Truck, New House

So it’s been a month since I’ve written on my blog, pretty pathetic for a web geek like myself! Oh well, busy past month (well actually closer to 2 months!!)! Let’s recap: April 4 – Moved out & bought a new car! Mid-April – Won Adult League Championship w/ Mr. Magic! End-April – Finished 2nd […] Read more


Selling the Jeep

Looking to sell the Jeep, if you know of anybody that could be interested, direct them here: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/car/605620927.html […] Read more


Mario Made Me Play!

Every kid that started playing hockey because of Mario Lemieux needs to watch this video, and if you really love it, you can find the final 6 parts on YouTube […] Read more


School & A Boat?

Definitely haven’t been updating my blog this month as much as I would have liked to have been. It seems that my holiday break in January from work & school really helped with the blog updating process! Class is still a killer, Database is just so intense, learning a lot of valuable tools I can […] Read more


Dub V & House Search

I haven’t blogged for a while, and since RMU closed the entire University today, I was able to get my projects done this afternoon and have a free night! Ian, Nick, Leber, & I hit up WVU this past weekend. And as Leber planned……somebody died! Well, not exactly, but yes sort of. Haha, well Nick […] Read more


Will it Blend – iPhone

One of the most depressing things I’ve seen, probably for the simple fact, I bought an iPhone & he’s just demolishing it! *Thanks to Nick Scelsi for the video* […] Read more


Craig’s Engaged

Oh yes, forgot, in the words of Justin Weissert: “groomsmen!” Craig & Brit set their date for June 7th, so he officially started asking us to be his Groomsmen. Ohhh we’re going to have a blast with this! I think (and if you’re reading Brit, please understand, haha) that Brit is absolutely scared of what […] Read more


Mellon House

Ian & I visited the Mellon House in Greentree this week. To make a long list short, we decided with Nick that we would keep on looking at places. For as many benefits the house had (seclusion, space, yard size), there were just as many equivilant downfalls (odd bedrooms, 1.5 bath, not extremely cheap). But […] Read more


– 2 years ago yesterday I started on my journey to Italy! – 2 years ago today I arrived in Roma! Just to reminisce a bit, I added the map I created of our travels below […] Read more


Italian Memories

So, a lot of things have reminded me of my time in Italy recently. One of my friend’s cousins is going to A.U.R., where I attended school in Roma. She was asking me questions regarding the school & the city & the aparments. And also a few coworkers were asking me some questions about my […] Read more


Random Info

I thought I’d make 2 separate posts here for 2 separate topics today. Topic #2: Random stuff happening.. Spring 08 semester for Grad School starts again this weekend. I’m doubling-up on classes because I officially had my Academic Advisor add me into a 2nd Master’s program. So now I’m going for 2 Master’s degree’s in […] Read more


Long Hours

WOW, what a weekend! Worked my first extended weekend this past weekend. I’ve done my best by staying on time or early with all my projects at good ole Bobby Mo so that I would never have to come in on the weekend, but I work in a team and we all had to stay […] Read more


New Years in Chi-Town

Got back late last night from Chicago. Justin & his roommates were gracious enough to house a few of us Pittsburgh folks for New Years 08. It was indeed a fun trip. If at the very least, the New Years Eve snowball fight was worth the flight up and back with Jeff and his 3 […] Read more


Back Home!

Back in the States, it’s Bittersweet. I’m doing pretty well since leaving Rome….that’s because I try not to think about it too much! I went through a bunch of my video’s today, I was getting sentimental! WOW, did we have fun! It’s been nice not having to do anything immediately once I got back this […] Read more


Last Week in Rome

Well, if you’ve been bored and looking for something to read I apologize I haven’t written here for a while. I guess you can say we’ve been busy. We haven’t traveled since Capri and our next trip will be back home :-( We’ve been doing a lot of work for school, the norm: papers, tests, […] Read more


Well, thanks to my Uncle Rocky, he got me writing a new blog! Sorry (if people actually noticed) but I haven’t written anything for about two weeks since we got back from Spring Break. However, to be honest, nothing out of the ordinary (if I can even say that while in Roma) has really been […] Read more


Okay now, definitely just got back from backpacking through Europe and I can’t believe everywhere we went and everything we’ve seen! Every penny (well Euro-cent) we spent was completely worth it…even though I’m never going to be able to buy food and afford transportation back to the States now! Jason came over for his first […] Read more


Ready for Spring Break

Almost 2 months in Roma now! Talk about the time flying. We just finished up with Midterm exams this week and I’m still trying to comprehend why I took them so seriously!?! I acted like they were Finals and busted my butt, I’m on a 4 month vacation, I should have been lazy, especially since […] Read more


New Place

Well, for us 4 guys here in Roma, it sure has been an interesting week since my last posting! First off…The Steelers won the Superbowl! But, I already made my comments about that on the front page! However, it was a fun night for us all. The game didn’t start till 12:30am here so needless […] Read more


Art of Rome Class Experience

A little bit ago I just got done with my Art of Rome class with Josh and Mikey. Now when I say get out of class, I mean left the Pantheon because our class is always held on site! Yes, each week we go to a different location in Roma and discuss the art, architecture, […] Read more