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a bit of thought from a guy and his girl, "Standing Before the Face of God" …

I See Me

Jen and I are just about a month out until we meet our lil man (1 month exactly will be tomorrow!) and I just can’t keep this song out of my head.  Not that, that is a problem though.  To say I am pumped…..that would be an understatement right now!


And yes, this song has made it’s way to the “Song of the Moment” chart!

2 comments… add one
  • Terri August 27, 2013, 9:54 am

    He will be a beautiful baby, if looking at his parents is any indication of what he will look like. He will be the only thing in your life that is truly worth dying for, and you would do it over and over again. And every time he hurts you want to hurt the person who hurts him. No one can truly tell you how you will feel until you are there yourself. I envy you both.

    Love Aunt Terri

    • WJFuoco August 28, 2013, 7:10 pm

      Thanks Aunt Terri, we're super excited! Can't wait for our Utah family to meet him too!