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a bit of thought from a guy and his girl, "Standing Before the Face of God" …


Well, it was only a matter of time before we introduced Eli to…the Hockey Store, just like his big brother had been indoctrinated.  Here’s what ensued… […] Read more


Daddy Daycare – Geronimo

Coming soon to a device near you… #DaddyDaycare took the boys to the GymSport Athletic Center, wore the toddler out & the child has been on a 2.5 hr nap since! A 6ft high zip line & trampoline with foam block pit were definite hits […] Read more


Daddy Daycare has been on (P)maternity leave and returns today for a brief introduction of the newest addition […] Read more


Just because we all need a good laugh to start our weekends… […] Read more


Today at Daddy Daycare, we had a special cousin visiting.  This video was shot in real time.  Catch a 30 second glimpse of what 5 hours are like with your favorite toddlers… […] Read more


Here at #DaddyDaycare, we do our best to portray for you real life.  Here’s the exhausting movements of a toddler….condensed into 30 seconds! #30SecondToddler […] Read more


Daddy Daycare made a quick trip to the grocery store.  Good thing we had a list, things could have gotten out of hand […] Read more

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Daddy Daycare was on location today at Moraine State Park.  Caleb & I set out for a bike ride around the north shore of Lake Arthur.  We went about 12 miles total.  Check out the video to see some highlights of the ride […] Read more


Oh no, Daddy Daycare put somebody in jail.  Daddy Daycare knows how to lay down the law […] Read more


Birthday’s, they’re such great days.  And here at Daddy Daycare, we like to celebrate with fun, personalized birthday cards.  My son sure made his mark on this card … * Thanks grandma for “helping” out […] Read more


Daddy Daycare is all about child development.  And after spiritual development, we can’t help but believe hockey development is the next best thing for a young child.  Come with us as we make our first trip to…..the hockey store […] Read more


Daddy Daycare found a few extra babysitters at a Mardi Gras party last night. Looks like the munchkin sure liked the extra help. What a ladies’ man […] Read more


I needed to stay at home with our little guy today, he was under the weather.  While I was holding him at the kitchen table eating my lunch, I thought it would be amusing to catch him attempting to grab at my yogurt.  Little did I know he’d actually accomplish his goal… […] Read more


I didn’t think Daddy Daycare would be having a video update this week.  We had a fairly lazy day bumming around the house.  Well, until Netski & Nonno showed up… […] Read more


Daddy Daycare takes on Sir Chats Alot…. Baby Got Chat! He’s been nonstop talking all afternoon!  I’m not sure where he gets it from […] Read more


Intense Baby Pens Fan

I’m so proud of this little guy!  It was in his blood to be a Pens fan… […] Read more


Daddy Daycare

Daddy Daycare’s afternoon check-in (this was my first all-day, mom’s at work, dad to watch son time). I’m still unshaven but he’s happy, happy, happy […] Read more


Caleb wanted to share with you all what Santa brought him for his first Christmas and why our family celebrates Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone […] Read more


Caleb & Daddy Discuss Santa

So, it’s Caleb’s first Christmas Eve. We were up early and we decided to talk a little bit about Santa. Here’s our discussion […] Read more


– Saturday, February 5, 2011 – Well, today was our last day of touring the Holy Land.  I’m sorry I had to see it come to an end, but a wonderful day and trip it was! Rather than write a conclusion to the trip in this blog, I’m going to continue my theme of posting […] Read more


– Thursday, February 4, 2011 – Day 7 took us to an entirely new region of Israel.  Today we headed east into the West Bank and into the Judean Wilderness. So what does that really mean? Well, first things first, the Judean Wilderness is directly east of the Mount of Olives and in the West […] Read more


– Wednesday, February 3, 2011 – Another great day in Israel. We spent the majority of our time in and around the Old City of Jerusalem. We toured the Western or Wailing Wall area and the Western Wall Tunnel. This is the most sacred site in current Judiasm as it’s the only accessibly remaining sites […] Read more


– Tuesday, February 2, 2011 – So, the time to write a big blog is unfortunately just not available.  Our days are 10+ hours of touring, so when we get back to the hotel, it’s very difficult to go in-depth with details. However, I feel I should add details and descriptions so that those of […] Read more


– Monday, February 1, 2011 – Well, Day #4 of touring is complete, plus our trip to Jerusalem!  We changed hotels and towns this evening.  We enjoyed our time at the Ron Beach Hotel in Tiberias and the mornings waking up and evenings going to bed along the Sea of Galilee were priceless!  However, we’re […] Read more


– Monday, January 31, 2011 – Today’s post will be brief.  I’m going to come back and update it, I just don’t have the time yet.  I felt it was important to get the pics and videos up as soon as possible though.  I’ll give a quick rundown of where we went and a description […] Read more


– Sunday, January 30, 2011 – Greetings again from Tiberias, Israel! ***Click HERE to see the Israel Pics from this trip!*** What a day, our first day of touring is concluded and I’m exhausted. It was a wet day today as we experienced lots of on-off rain. But that didn’t stop us, we put on […] Read more


– Saturday, January 29, 2011 – Shalom! Well, we made it to Israel, what a long journey.  It was one definitely full of interesting occurrences.  Haven’t seen much yet, so obviously, I’m only going to get into the travel details! First, we met at the Pittsburgh airport at 2:45 p.m. to catch our connection to […] Read more


Vacations, you look forward to them for months…even years…and then they arrive, and are gone before you know it! This can definitely be said for my most recent vacation last week. Me and 4 good buddies from high school made our way out west for…well, not most people’s typical styled vacation. We headed to Lake […] Read more


[FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/consol-energy-center/ConsolEnergyCenter.flv,480,360]     So folks, if you know me, you know me, my Dad, brother, & a few other guys went on a private tour of the new home to the Pittsburgh Penguins, the Consol Energy Center on Friday, July 9th. Simply put, I was “love drunk”. Overwhelmed would be another word I could use, […] Read more

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La Dolce Vita in Roma

[FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/rome06/ForumTour.flv,480,360] In about 3 weeks or so, it’ll be the 4th anniversary of when me and 2 amici of mine from RMU left for a semester abroad in the historic Italian city of Roma!  Almost every year I do some sort of anniversary post.  Therefore, after these 4 long years, I post a few of […] Read more

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“Here We Go….Steelers, Here We Go…….Pittsburgh’s Going To The Superbowl!” So thanks to good ole Jimmy Krieder, I got tickets to the AFC Championship game yesterday! It was just awesome! Great atmosphere, good people, and the Steelers are going to their 7th Superbowl, Superbowl XLIII, against the AZ Cardinals (2nd all time to the Dallas […] Read more


Here’s #3 of “Old School Videos”! Does anybody know “Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?” [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/old-school/CarmenSanDiego.flv,480,360] […] Read more


And to hold your appetites over, #2 in our installment of “Old School Videos”! I hope you enjoy “The Walden Shake” (…baby!)! Well done Kid, well done! [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/old-school/WaldenShake.flv,300,360] […] Read more


In what will be a releasing of a few “Old School Videos”, here’s the first edition. “Afternoon Delight”, sung by a few of your favorites! Leave a comment if you like the video or if you have a special request….I do have a few! I’d love to hear what you think! [FLOWPLAYER=http://www.wjfuoco.com/movies/old-school/AfternoonDelight.flv,480,360] […] Read more


Well, I’ve never been to a political event such as this before, so I definetely wanted to see what it was all about. One of those “goals” in life that I’ve set for myself is to listen to a Presidential speech or a former President speak. So I guess you can say this is one […] Read more