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a bit of thought from a guy and his girl, "Standing Before the Face of God" …

What I’m Saying on Twitter for 2009-03-30

  • Wow, eerily quiet in the office when you take your headphones off……… #
  • Good song for yinz to check out, Jars of Clay – Jealous Kind. #
  • A good read on the #President and preparations for a trip to #Britain for the G20 Summit – http://tinyurl.com/cb3xwk #
  • after destroying my PC w/ installs, uninstalls, reinstalls, and uninstalls again, i’m reformatting and reinstalling #ubuntu 8.10, i’m cranky #
  • I’ve had it up to my neck w/ computers. #
  • Why won’t #Ubuntu give me a Wireless IP Address!?!? I can see all the ESSID’s………but nooooooooo, doesn’t want to assign a wireless IP! #
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