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a bit of thought from a guy and his girl, "Standing Before the Face of God" …

Intense Debate Setup Instructions

Intense Debate
If you were noticing, all comments made on the site have disappeared. I did so intentionally and I apologize if you left a post. However, I am very grateful you did and encourage you to leave another one (I promise I won’t delete this time!) However, I was running into a problem trying to set up Intense Debate Commenting on here.

What was happening was that I didn’t know how to set up the “idcomments” JavaScript variables correctly. The instructions were on the site and the forums were useful but not to the extent I needed. Therefore, I emailed for support and finally got the answer on how to set up the variables. Below is the proper way to define the variables that I used to install ID:

  • idcomments_post_id – this is the unique identifier of this respective post, also used to determine where to display the comments via a DIV tag on your page
  • idcomments_post_url – this is where the permalink URL of the post should be placed. This is especially useful if your post will move from this page at one point. Mine will but I have decided to just let them remain apart of “default.asp” page but use a unique ID to define each one using a URL variable, “?icmmt=”. *This is very important as it keeps comments from other posts creeping into each specific post across your site
  • idcomments_post_title – this is the unique title you want to give to this specific post’s comments


idcomments_post_id = ‘Hockey’;

var idcomments_post_url = ‘http://www.wjfuoco.com/default.asp?icmmt=Hockey’;

var idcomments_post_title = ‘Hockey Post Comments’;

1 comment… add one
  • canada mystery serie March 11, 2009, 6:59 pm

    Thanks for sharing the post on – Intense Debate Setup Instructions .
    Hope it will make easy for us ………… : )

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